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Halloween Themed Photo Shoot. Five Witches.


Halloween Themed Photo Shoot. Five Witches.

Witch is your favorite? It started as one model… simple. Then I had two, and then three. At this point I had decided to do a sort of boho-witch theme. I began researching costumes and culture. I discovered that in the Wicca belief system, each point of the pentagram represents an element. Air. Spirit. Earth. Fire. Water.

Now I had to have five models.


Ball Python. Studio Photography. Bowling Green Ohio.


Ball Python. Studio Photography. Bowling Green Ohio.

Honestly, I had no idea what working with a snake would look like. I assumed that I would just let Spooky do her thing and we would hope for the best. She did not disappoint. Nicole was so gentle with Spooky, directing her but never forcing her to do anything she did not want to do. My priority when shooting with animals is to make sure they are treated with respect, in an ethical manner. Spooky's comfort and safety was more important to both of us, than having a successful shoot. 


The Mirror. Themed Photo Shoot. Toledo Model.


The Mirror. Themed Photo Shoot. Toledo Model.

It was a pretty piece left over from a gilded age. The young girl's mother had found it in the attic and thought it would look nice in her little bedroom. It hung unobtrusively on the wall waiting for the tot to be tall enough to see into its shiny mercurial depths.


Model Shoot. Northwest Ohio.


Model Shoot. Northwest Ohio.

Most of the time I am shooting for my job. I take portraits or I am documenting a commercial business. While all of my paid shoots involve my personal creativity, there are definitely expectations to get certain poses, light styles, a specific look. I am very happy to accommodate all of these things and often I also get to play a little for myself, but there is something truly refreshing about creating something just for yourself. No expectations except your own. 


Mermaid Model Shoot. Toledo Ohio Photographer.


Mermaid Model Shoot. Toledo Ohio Photographer.

No Disney princess; I am a warrior queen.

My hair is the color of the tropical sea, hemmed in by a crown of lost life.

My arms wear strength like golden cords, infused with the energy of roaring waves.

My body moves with agility and speed, like the currents of the laughing deep.

My gown shimmers and shifts, as the sun casting a broad arm over a calm horizon.

My tale would push me further and faster, ever moving to explore every ravine of the ocean floor.

Alas, my feet, keep me tethered to the shore.